JCIE is no longer seeking donations for the Japan NGO Earthquake Relief & Recovery Fund. If you would like to support the ongoing recovery efforts in Tohoku, the following organizations are still accepting donations.
US Organizations
US donors are able to make tax-deductible contributions through the following organizations.
- GlobalGiving—GlobalGiving page that allows donors to give to various Japanese organizations such as JEN, AAR Japan, AMDA, and many more.
- Japan Americas Society of Southern California: 2011 Japan Relief Fund
- Japan Society of New York: Japan Earthquake Relief Fund
- Japanese American Association of NY
- Japanese Cultural and Community Center of Northern California (JCCCNC)
- Japanese Medical Society of America Japan Relief Fund
- Peace Winds America: Japan Recovery Fund
- Taylor Anderson Memorial Foundation—Donors can make tax-deductible donations to TAMF via GlobalGiving USA
- TOMODACHI Initiative—Public-private initiative, with some programs targeting communities and youth in Tohoku
Japanese Organizations
Many fine Japanese organizations are still working in the disaster zone, including the following groups.
- Association for Aid and Relief, Japan (AAR Japan)—Supports people with disabilities, mental and physical well-being, disaster prevention
- Association of Medical Doctors in Asia (AMDA)—Assisting with newly reopened Minamisanriku Hospital, disaster prevention, and community building
- Hope for Tomorrow—Helps high school students go to university
- Japan NPO Center’s Japan Earthquake Local NPO Support Fund
- Japan Platform—Helps disaster survivors, promotes locally led reconstruction activities, increases community resiliency
- Kigyo Mecenat Kyogikai (Association for Corporate Support of the Arts, Japan)
- NGO JEN—Provides livelihood support and helps rebuild community networks
- Nippon Foundation (in Japanese)
- Sanaburi Foundation—Tohoku’s first community foundation
- Taylor Anderson Memorial Foundation—US and UK donors can also make tax-deductible donations to TAMF via GlobalGiving USA or GlobalGiving UK
- World in Tohoku (WIT)—Supports social entrepreneurship in Tohoku